Beginners' program

Duration: 2 days
Vitrages Décision is piece of calculation software designed by Ginger CEBTP which is intended to be used for sizing and checking glazings.

Basic knowledge of thermal science in buildings and mechanical calculations.

Relevant persons
This training course is aimed at companies that purchased the software as well as the individuals required to use it, either in the product design stage or in checking or optimising glazing.

Training facilitators
Yanisse NAIT BOUDA : Project Manager Thermal & Energy Department.
Aurélien GAUDRON : Director of the Building Envelope Division.

- Get to know the software content and features for each module.
- Get to know the calculation rules that the software is based on.
- Know the entry data used in Vitrages Décision.
Getting started program

Duration: 1/2 day
Vitrages Décision is piece of calculation software designed by Ginger CEBTP which is intended to be used for sizing and checking glazings.

Trainees must possess a Vitrages Décision licence and have basis knowledge in IT, thermal science and mechanics.

Relevant persons
This training course is aimed at individuals who purchased the software as well as those that are required to use it and would like to know more about its main features.

- Operate the Vitrages décision software and get to know its content.
- Be able to identify the software resources that will be useful on a daily basis.
Expert program

Duration: 1 day
Vitrages Décision is piece of calculation software designed by Ginger CEBTP which is intended to be used for sizing and checking glazings.

- Basic knowledge of thermal science in buildings and mechanical calculations.
- Prior use of the Vitrages Décision software.

Relevant persons
This training course is aimed at companies that purchased the software as well as the individuals required to use it, either in the product design stage or in checking or optimising glazing. This training course is aimed at people who have already taken the Vitrages Décision course.

- Get to know the Vitrages Décision calculation rules.
- Discuss the calculation rules used in the software.
- Understand the entry data.
- Specify the parameters used.
- Carry out some practical applications.

Basis knowledge
Trainees must have basis knowledge in thermal science and mechanics, be familiar with DTU 39 (NFP 78-201 standard – 2012 edition) and preferably have a good working knowledge of the Vitrages Décision software.